(915) 593-1153

Jesus Chapel

School Board

The Board of Directors manages the affairs of Jesus Chapel School in accordance with the Statement of Mission, Purpose, Faith and Philosophy of Education of the school.

Board Of Directors

If you are interested in serving on the JCS School Board, and meet the qualifications below, submit a letter of interest to any active board members listed below or to the school office. Your letter must include a testimony of when you became a Christian, your vision for the future of Jesus Chapel School, and your qualifications and why you believe you would be a good candidate for the position.


October 2024 – Submit a letter of interest by November 11, 2024.


Board Of Directors


Candidates for membership to the Board of Directors shall meet the following qualifications:

  • Shall have undergone a born-again conversion experience, accepting Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of their lives, and lived a proven and consistent Christian life.
  • Shall support all of the Statements of Purpose, Mission, Philosophy of Education, and Statement of Faith of Jesus Chapel School.
  • Shall have a commitment to the improvement of Jesus Chapel School academically and spiritually, within its stated goals and objectives, and shall demonstrate a servant’s heart to the needs of the school.
  • For those who have school age children, each Board member shall make every effort to either have those children in attendance at a Christian school of their choice and have all financial accounts in good standing with that school at all times or provide Home Schooling to their school age children.
  • Shall possess any other qualifications of spiritual maturity or other personal qualifications as may be necessary to the position and as specified by the Board.
  • Shall be interested in Christian education with expertise in administration, operations, business, legal, and/or curriculum instructional areas.
Board Of Directors

What We Do

The Jesus Chapel School Board of Directors exists to:

  • To make recommendations and provide counsel to the School Principal regarding all areas of school operations, programs, finances, policy, and service consistent with the Statements of Mission, Purpose, Faith, and Philosophy of Education of the school.
  • To support the School Principal in establishing the spiritual climate of Jesus Chapel School; to serve as prayer intercessors on behalf of the school, to foster spiritual growth among the staff, students, and their families and other schools and churches.
  • To provide input in the development of and approval of the school budget; to make recommendations, approve, and review the tuition and fee schedules of the school.
  • To establish such committees as may be required for the necessary business of the school.
  • To annually review the programs, services, and official policies and procedures of the school and to make all appropriate recommendations and charges thereto.
  • To serve as the final appellate body in grievances and appeals involving staff and/or students of the school.

Executive Committee



Gayle Cook

Vice-President and Finance

Andrew Reynoso

President and School Principal



Church Pastor and Counsel

(Non-voting Member)



Melissa Estrada

Secretary/Treasurer and Staff & Curriculum

School Board

Christine Kemp

Alumni Relations

Alba Wilcox

Media Relations

Todd Bear


Eric Hinson

Public Relations

Tracy Chavez

Parent Relations

Fully accredited by the International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA)

Member of Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS)

Cognia Accredited.

Recognized by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC)

Member of Oral Roberts University Educational Fellowship (ORUEF)

Get In Touch

10200 Album, El Paso, TX 79925

Office (915) 593-1153

School Hours:
Monday – Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.